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Step 1 of 6

1996 Ford F-250 Reg Cab 133.0" WB

vehicle image

Price: $2,200

Stock #: 14445 Mileage: 320,452
Engine: 5.8L (351) MFI V8 ENGINE Trans: Select
Drive: RWD Color: White
Interior Type: Select Fuel Type:

Do you have a Trade-In?

Previous Yes

Tell us about your Trade-In

1996 Ford F-250 Reg Cab 133.0" WB

Vehicle Image

Asking Price:


What do you think your Trade-In is worth?
What is your Trade-In payoff?
Total Trade-In Equity:
Down payment?
Purchase Price:
Dealer Fees:

Approximate Balance Due:

Payment Calculator

Approximate Monthly Payment

Do you need Financing?

Previous Yes

Credit Application

Applicant Information
Employment Information
Co-Buyer Information
Co-Employment Information

Additional Comments:
I certify that the above information is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Creditors receiving this application will retain the application whether or not it is approved. Creditors may rely on this application in deciding whether to grant the requested credit. False statements may subject me to criminal penalties. I authorize the creditors to obtain credit reports about me on an ongoing basis during this credit transaction and to check my credit and employment history on an ongoing basis during the term of the credit transaction. If this application is approved, I authorize the creditor to give credit information about me to its affiliates.

Review Deal

1996 Ford F-250 Reg Cab 133.0" WB

Vehicle Image

Asking Price:


What do you think your Trade-In is worth?

What is your Trade-In payoff?

Your Trade-In Equity:

Down Payment?

Purchase Price:


Dealer Fees:

Approximate Balance Due:

Approximate Monthly Payment:

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